Tuesday, November 30, 2010


we  know generally that lycanthropy is a magic that makes the user able to shape-shift into wolf,but it's not just only wolf.this is some article about it.

lycanthropy the delusional belief that one has turned into an animal, especially a werewolf. In Europe during the Middle Ages, lycanthropy was commonly believed to occur due to witchcraft or magic. One modern theory is that the rye bread of the poor was often contaminated with the fungus ergot, which caused hallucinations and delusions about werewolves.
Stories of humans turning into animals such as tigers, swans, monkeys, etc., are widespread and seem to occur in all cultures, indicating shared human fears (e.g., fear of the wildest local beast) or desires (e.g., wishing for powers such as great strength or the power of flight), or common brain disorders.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

manticore the perfect animal

manticore is a mythological creature in a shape of tiger,with the face of a human,armed with three rows of jaws,and a poisonous scorpion tail.
The manticore (Early Middle Persian Martyaxwar; Βάρἰκος Baricos in Greek) is a legendary creature similar to the Egyptian sphinx. It has the body of a red lion,

mogolian deathworm

The Mongolian Death Worm is a cryptid purported to exist in the Gobi Desrt. It is generally considered a cryptozoological creature; one whose sightings and reports are disputed or unconfirmed. It is described as a bright red worm with a wide body that is 0.6 to 1.5 meters (2 to 5 feet) long. In general, scientists reject the possibility that such mega-fauna cryptids exist, because of the improbably large numbers necessary to maintain a breeding population and because climate and food supply issues make their survival in reported habitats unlikely.

The local name is allghoi (or orghoi) khorkhoy (хорхой), which means "blood filled intestine worm" because it is reported to look like the intestine of a cow. It is the subject of a number of extraordinary claims by Mongolian locals—such as the ability of the worm to spew forth Sulfuric Acid that, on contact, will turn anything it touches yellow and corroded (which would kill a human), and its purported ability to kill at a distance by means of electric discharge.